IT monitoring

  • Network monitoring
  • Software and operating system monitoring
  • Virtualization environment monitoring
  • Device monitoring
  • User monitoring
  • Email monitoring
  • Service monitoring
  • Data center monitoring

IT monitoring

IT infrastructure monitoring involves the ongoing analysis of key indicators to ensure the uninterrupted operation of all devices and systems in an organization. It helps ensure the continuity of key business processes and allows you to observe your IT environment. This makes it possible to obtain information on the functioning of infrastructure, systems and applications, as well as to react quickly to emergent failures. In addition, it enables early notification of users about emerging irregularities. It also influences IT auditing and allows verification of the legality of software on company computers .

IT Monitoring

Why should you monitor your IT infrastructure?

Monitoring and auditing the computer of a few employees and their inventory doesn’t cause that many problems if your IT infrastructure is small. However, over time, as your company grows, you start hiring more people to join your team and expand your infrastructure. In this situation, manual hardware inventory without any IT system can prove to be quite a challenge. In addition, auditing computer hardware without proper monitoring can cause many negative consequences. Therefore, if you care about efficient hardware inventory and meeting your legal obligation, you should consider implementing an IT system that reads, among other things, the exact hardware configuration and detects new devices in the infrastructure. It also affects the audit of software legality significantly optimizing the process.

Benefits of using a system to monitor IT infrastructure

Controlling the numerous equipment and employees in an organization requires a lot of work and good organization. Frequent failures, downtime in the operation of the company are just some of the risks that the administrator will have to face if he does not take care of proper monitoring of the IT infrastructure. However, he can avoid this by choosing a comprehensive system that will properly secure the company’s equipment and enable systematic monitoring of the IT infrastructure. Here are some additional benefits of using software to monitor equipment and employee work in the company.

  • Anti-failure – monitoring user activity and equipment in real time will allow you to quickly respond to an incident in the organization. The system, thanks to fully customizable notifications, will allow you to react in advance and thus prevent possible failures.
  • Continuous monitoring of IT systems – overseeing the IT infrastructure in the system allows you to monitor individual processes in real time. It includes monitoring of key devices and processes, the proper functioning of which is essential for the proper operation of the entire organization.
  • Increase employee productivity – the system allows you to monitor the computer and server, and thus analyze the activity and productivity of users. It also allows you to verify the activities of employees performing their duties remotely or hybrid, whose work is difficult to monitor if they are not directly in the office. Thanks to the system, the administrator will be able to check how employees use their time and verify whether they are prone to using distracting applications while working.
  • Safeguarding against the leakage of confidential data – using the right IT monitoring system effectively protects against the leakage of personal data that could occur as a result of an employee’s carelessness or ignorance. It also makes it possible to seal IT networks and protect against intentional or accidental leaks.
  • Relieving the burden on IT staff – specialized IT infrastructure monitoring software supports the daily work of IT administrators. By automating certain processes, monitoring becomes easier and less time-consuming. All this translates into relieving administrators of some of their duties. This gives them time they can devote to other tasks.
  • Cost optimization – eliminating downtime by monitoring IT infrastructure is the best way to optimize company costs. By preventing failures and crises, the IT administrator will avoid additional expenses related to their repair.

Elements included in IT monitoring

IT monitoring includes both the recording of all key resources of the organization, i.e. equipment, systems, but also the work of employees. It allows you to comprehensively ensure the continuity of the organization’s IT infrastructure by performing the following activities:

IT infrastructure and security management

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