Monitoring of working time

Learn how to monitor the working time of employees using the functionalities of the eAuditor program

Implementation of the eAuditor system to the manufacturing industry

A company in the manufacturing industry was looking for software with which to conduct monitoring of employee time and activity records. The company had introduced new products, and as a result, there was a need to supervise and effectively manage employees’ working time. Executives were looking for a solution that would allow them to optimize software purchases, monitor the use of company printers or verify the working time of employees.

The customer expected the following capabilities from the software:

  • verify the use of company equipment,
  • introducing the savings that can be achieved by monitoring the use of applications in real time (full optimization of owned licenses, software management),
  • monitoring of visited websites,
  • obtain information on how much time an employee spent on sites directly unrelated to his or her job duties.

We proposed to the client to implement the eAuditor system, which met the company’s expectations in terms of tracking the working time and activity of its employees. Most importantly, the system allowed the Client to define the exact level of monitoring. Together with the team of IT technicians, we determined which websites, applications and printers were to be included in the monitoring, and which would be excluded from it. As a result, the system will provide the Customer with only the most relevant information. At the same time, attention was drawn to the need to introduce appropriate rules and regulations so that employees are informed about the system for managing and controlling their work.

The possibility of introducing additional security features:

  • establish software schemes,
  • website blocking,
  • monitoring files on users’ computers,
  • create application categories (define groups, e.g., office applications, graphics programs, computer games).

What should be kept in mind when monitoring an employee’s working time?

  • prepare appropriate regulations,
  • familiarize employees with the company’s rules and regulations,
  • determine what programs and websites can be used during working hours,
  • define the rules for using company computers and printers.
How to monitor employees during home office

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Benefits of monitoring employee working time with eAuditor system

The eAuditor system made it possible to controlthe working time of employees on company computers – including showing the hours when computers are either in use or asleep. Application usage monitoring showed the total time spent running a given program, including time spent actively (the user actively used websites, applications, etc.) and passively. This provided administrators and management with accurate information on full application usage. Website visits were monitored on the same basis. On the other hand, print monitoring provided information on the amount and cost of printouts made by individual users.

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